When I am asked a question, I try my best to answer it as honestly as possible. I was raised by a single parent mother that always told me, "be yourself". Well being myself, I could never find a way to be anything else but honest, upfront and straight to the point. It seems that some people that I have come in contact with in my life, whether they are friends currently right now or foes, have a hard time understanding me and who I am. If I have a problem with you or something is unclear, I don't have a problem coming to you and say hey what's going on with…….It's not always positive but if I think that we are cool and I can come to you and talk to you about what I am unclear about, then why is it that when I am done asking or commenting on something what I have allowed to come out my mouth has altered? I am not the one to sugar coat anything. Let me reiterate….ANYTHING! I have been called almost anything and everything so my feelings right now as a grown man are 9 times out of 10 never hurt. Most people don't know my spots to upset me. Trust me if you do know then you know not to upset me. I am a great friend but get on my bad side and this Taurus will see you dressed in all red. I hate having to explain something more than once. I really do wish people would listen more instead of trying to gather information and try to draw their own conclusion because they don't believe what you have said to them. I have lost many friends over he say she say, people not minding their business and people doing what I just tried to make clear in the previous sentence. I rank people in 3 groups:
1.My true friends – People who I love or trust enough to be a part of my life
2.Associate friends – People who I have no problem with. But I will see you when I see you
3.Miscellaneous people – People who I have to deal with for certain reasons or people that I have learned lessons from
*Anything other than the above – I either dont know you or you mean nothing to me point blank!
Is the unclear clear yet? Maybe not but let me go farther…I am 30 years old and I am not going to ever do this again so pay close attention. If I say the sky is red then take my word for it because I have no reason to lie to you if you mean something to me. However, yes I am a clown from time to time but who isn't. Yes there are times that I joke around and times when I am serious but if you are wondering while reading this, "When is he joking and when is he serious?" then you just figured out if you are a true friend to me or not. If you know then you just know. If you come into my life and leave with questions of uncertainty, then don't try to figure me out or even yourself while using context clues in what it is that I do on a daily basis. You will only confuse yourself more than you already are. Yes you are confused if you have to wonder "why" about anything right now. I am simple. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. That's why I am single right now because my last 3 girlfriends, one being my baby momma, one being the full of issues last one I just got out my life and the middle one that made me write this made 1 of 2 mistakes:
1.Thinking too much
2.Don't think enough
I was premature on a comment to someone. My last 3 ex's I thought were the best girlfriends that I had but no I was wrong. The best is yet to come…And all three are Ex's because (this is where you should pay close attention) they were so different that they became similar in many ways. I come up with something to keep me motivated when I start training for the upcoming year every year. This year "GET BACK or GET DONE" fits pretty well. I am a HUGE Little Brother Fan and I love the Get Back album. I understand why it was titled Get Back and this year it fits me the same. I need to Get Back to me and doing what it is that I know I can do. If that doesn't happen then I will "Get Done" which should be self explanatory. I know it might seem like I went off topic but I didn't. The people I wrote about (those 3 ex's and others who this applies to) Maybe you should think about getting back to you or getting back to whatever makes you successful. I know my peace and I am all packed up on my way back there because I lost focus and I blame myself for that.
*Currently getting back to whats most important to me.