Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Olympic drug inquiry launched after 300 test results from Beijing go missing

How in the hell does something like this happen? You cant be serious! After all of the spectactular performances that we (well not me included because I refused to watch the games for obvious reasons) are not allowed to see who is legit and who is full of crap?! Plenty of people (now include me) know that there were athletes that were using PED's and will continue. Cover up...maybe, well, more than likely. Its a shame that we cant have clean sports. My thought on the games this past year "I thought some performances were the dirtiest performances I had ever been allowed to witness." I have seen and lost plenty of times to PED's but this was ridiculous. Hopefully things will change in the future...but more than likely not.


Anonymous said...

I feel you on that but if we really want clean sports we cannot just assume that athletes are using performance enhancers. we should give the benefit of the doubt all the time of course as an athlete we will see things that we know seems fishy. innocent until proven guilty even if there are clear signs. Unfortunately some go undetected or gets covered up with a crazy excuse.

Brianna said...

yay for blogging!!! ok, see you later.

Jackie E. said...

Hey James, welcome to the club:) I'll have to add you to my list. I already like some of your posts so I'll definitely be reading regularly!

Anonymous said...

I have never ran a pr while shutting down 20 meters early and beating my chest.