Wednesday, August 18, 2010

When Keeping It Professional Goes Wrong

I saw an Ex-girlfriend of mine post something on Facebook that made me laugh and shake my head at the same time. However it was interesting at the same time because she always tried to make me out to be such a Facebook heathen. It was in reference to what people have on their Facebook pages and if they cared about what people thought of them based on that.

Well for me its real simple and has always been. It depends on what you using Facebook for. For example:

1) If you use it to chat with friends and to have a good time well then cool. Put up all the silly youtube links, photos, quotes and etc. Say what you want and live it up.

2) If you use it to do networking and business type things then by all means keep it business like. Nothing personal in your life should be used on that page just strictly business.

It is and has always been funny to see someone that always thinks they know more then the next person but yet make no sense at all sometimes. Notice how I said this person is an "Ex-Girlfriend right? She actually dumped me which turned out to be the best thing that she could have done me because it was going to happen anyway just in due time. She saved me time in my life, THANK YOU MUCH!

But I am getting away from my point...

And the point I wanted to touch though was it seems to me there are a lot of people out there that are always quick to judge someone else before looking at themselves. Now I know that there are some people that tell me I always judge people when it comes to performance enhancing drugs. Indeed I do talk all kinds of stuff about people that take drugs to enhance performance illegally and that is because I never went that route. I am not perfect in life but I am perfect on that topic. So on that topic I am without sin & casting stones all over the place! John 8:7

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I do think that Facebook or any other social network is created to be a public source of communication and networking. So, everything you say or write will become public information. Also, what you say and how you say it will leave an impression on those who “follow you” and determine your purpose in the use of that social network.