I sat and had a few thoughts after talking to a friend of mine about similar situations that we had. He told me he was interested in a young lady but she didnt like the fact that he traveled for work so much. She said she needed someone that had more time to spend with her and explore life. His reply was, "Well when I do have free time I can do whatever but at least I am doing something with my life which is more then some people."
I asked if she knew what he did for a living. He told me he lied about his job and all he told her was that he travels for work. He didnt want her to know he was a pro track athlete because he felt she would judge him based on the whole "being an athlete thing." I agreed with him but hell she still judged him anyway when all he wanted from her was to like him for him and not his status or what he did for a living. I mean its a lot of people out here that dont know how to simply say "So what."
I then expressed to him that there was a young lady that I had a crush on for a while but realized early on that it was going no further then us as just friends. There may have been a slim chance if certain things were different but I pretty much knew what the deal was. Now everyone that knows me knows that I flirt from time to time...it is what it is but nothing more. So I told him about a conversation I had with this one young lady and told him that in the mist of me flirting she came out and basically told me I would never get with her like that. I was prepared for that and laughed it off as I always did.
However, I guess on this day she felt like she wanted to tell me how she really felt. Told me that we would never be because of my life prior to meeting her...baby mom and kids, why she felt she would never be number one in my life because of that and how I express myself verbally. Now I am one for honesty but I was like, "well damn, say it with your chest why dont you? I then thought, "so because I actually loved someone and wanted to spend my life with an individual, I get that? Wow...like I have no balance and time management skills." Why dont people just say "So what?"
So we both ask the same question..."So she basically told you how you would treat her huh?" ...and then we laughed a very healthy laugh. I said, if thats her outlook on me then thank you very much, now I know. I didnt even get mad. I was more disappointed that someone that I thought highly about even looked at me in that light. I started to think about what I said "So what" to about with her and all I could do was shake my head. I have seen this too many times. Men do the same thing as well. Dont think this is woman bashing. I know plenty of men that see a woman that has her own and get intimidated thinking they cant keep up when all that woman really wants is for a man to just play his role and treat her right.
Ladies & Gents...No one on Earth is perfect by no means. We all have our faults of course but to judge people before you even give that person a chance to show and prove is quite shallow of any man or woman. Learn to say "So what" sometimes. You never know you may find.
SIDE NOTE: My job had people out for the thanksgiving holiday and I said I would work 12 straight days. People looking at me like "You going to be tired as hell?" I said, "So what?" I did it just cause. Missed going home to see my family and getting some of that good home cooking. I briefly shared that with a young lady at my job and out of nowhere she said she would bring me a plate of food from home when she comes in. How thoughtful she was and how appreciative I am for something so simple. Found out that not only is she smart, a hard worker and attractive...but she's kind, nice and a pretty good cook as well. A good catch for someone indeed but guess what? I found all that out because I said "So what"
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