M. Rodgers, real talk...even if it was a mistake and it's in your system then it doesn't matter, you're fucked! Very unfortunate it is. I aint writing to say guilty or not but a few things came to mind so here I go...
People always laughed at me for eating so much McDonalds over in Europe...I won some races, had a happy stomach and all clean test. I wonder what Trell Kimmons is thinking right now? Its more likely that the IAAF will not & I repeat WILL NOT make a decision before worlds which means USATF may tell Rodgers not to run. If he does run and they rule him suspended because of this test...whatever he runs in will get DQ'd. 100m & 4x100. USATF aint having it! If & I do mean "IF" it was an "honest mistake", still sucks to be him cause IAAF dont care about "honest mistakes" ...ask Lashawn Merritt.
Here is a thought...Anyone besides me ever notice that when someone gets a failed test that they claim innocence on that they know exactly how it happen though? Hmm
Remember this one..."I have never taken drugs! It must have been that masseuse rubbing stuff on me."
How about this one... "Modafinil?! Ummm...Oh yeah, I was taking that because I have a sleeping disorder."
And my personal favorite... "I failed this test because of this dental medication I was taking." (Its my favorite because it actually worked)
Question...If you know what it is that fast, shouldnt you sons of bitches have known to pay attention before it got in your system? Maybe USADA stopped giving out the little card that has all the legal & prohibited drugs on it when I stopped running...Maybe?
For the record, This alleged masseuse worked on me for years and I never had a failed test nor any allegations about failing anything. If you having trouble sleeping...go buy some Tylenol PM's or some Melatonin. They both legal. Thats what I used. If you tired but thinking about going to the club try one of these...
1. Fuck the club...go to bed.
2. Drink numerous Mountain Dews
The game dont change just the players in it...
You said it, and I agree, if you know this is your job or profession then you have to be certain and careful of what you use or take oral. You better to believe if it was me and I was not sure ,I would have my rule book or computer and searching what I can have. It not that hard to find information when everyone has internet on their cell phones.
Yo, you aint lyin' JCarter! This -sh just don't make no sense yo. Red Bull?! Red Bull?!(N my AI voice). Come On Maan! If u need to carry a laminated list of banned substances wit u @ all times, do dat! I aint perfect, my ish does stink too. So I aint throwin no stones. But its just frustratin that, as a human being, u constantly big up an athlete/entertainer, who is a complete stranger to you, and "BOOM", dey go do sumthin real ill that make u wanna choke dem out!!
And if you're like most people and don't want to read all those "big words" go to www.globaldro.com. All you have to do is type in whatever product (Medication, Supplement, whatever) and it will tell you if it is prohibited or not as well as in competition and out of competition.
They have a free app for itouch and iphone or the ipad called Drug search and it tells you what drugs are prohibited in any sports in competition and how many day not to take it before competing . So there is no reason for not knowing or as your Doctor they would know.
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