Come on Usain Bolt. No one on Earth believes that you would ever be lazy. I mean yeah maybe off the track during vacation time but while you are working on being the fastest to ever do it, not possible!
OK let me take that back it is possible with performance enhancing drugs but Bolt is a clean athlete right? I mean its not like he has run fast and been caught doping. He hasnt failed a drug test that I have heard of. Yet then again...most of the people in the Balco scandal never failed a test. Matter fact I know personally that some of the people involved got off and names never came up.
Everyone thats a fan of track and field that I meet loves him. First track and field athlete that I have seen that needs security. I mean I have been around some of the best to ever do it and they never needed body guards yet this guy has that and more. This guy walking around looking like the president damn near. Women are throwing they panties all on the track when he trying to run causing all kinds of false starts.......OK I am joking about that one :) LMAO!
Let me just say that 9.4 seconds in the 100m is just damn crazy. When I saw 9.78 by Tim Montgomery I thought that time was legit because of everything that happen. The weather was great, he had a .10 and some change start and the wind was exactly +2.0 on the wind gauge. I thought it was legit. Found out it was not and what was going on, damn. So now when I watch T&F I watch with a different perspective. I remember history and what I have seen. Then I look at whats going on currently. I have always said that history will tell on you. The track game will never change just the players in it. (Doesnt Carmelita Jeter almost look like Chryste Gaines)
So right now we have Usain Bolt as the worlds fastest man. I just dont see how he can run so fast. I am not accusing him of anything...I just dont see it or believe it. I mean I believe in evolution and that people grow, get faster and all that but when I break it down into a different perspective it just doesnt make sense. Here is why...
He says that he is lazy...
Anyone a comic book fan???
Lets take Batman and Robin???
For years Usain seemed to be in the role of Robin. He was always in the mix but never the stand out super star. Had potential of course but never had what it took to step up in that role of Batman. Every time he tried to challenge the best in the world he more times then none came up short.
In the comics Robin would always try to go out on his own and save the day. What happen? He ended up getting his ass kicked and Batman would have to come and save him and the damn day. Batman would always tell Robin its a team I am me you are you. Robin never wanted to just play his role. He wanted to be the best and every time he tried he ended up being reminded of who and what he was...A sidekick
Now back to Usain...
After the 2007 season and playing this role of sidekick (meaning that he was taking 2nd & 3rd more often) he all of a sudden becomes Superman one year later. How in the hell can you go from being a mere mortal with a utility belt, to surpassing being the skilled and genius super hero Batman which was a goal, to being the freaking man of steel?!
Strange anyone???
In 2008 season he was unbeatable, the new world record holder and a house hold name all over the world. His dad said its the yams and Usain says now that he is lazy. Where is Ed Lover with a "C'Mon Son" when you need him! Not to mention he "allegedly" hurt his back doing some type of freak ass position with a chick that ended his season this year.
I have to shake my head on this one. Truth of the matter is...He could probably do what he wants to do right now. If he goes down the sport dies point blank. If he continues to run well and amaze people the sport excels. You do the math...
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Show me one 20 YO in the history of track and field that dominated the field and i will say well you have something there, but he was a 20 yo in 2007 running against guys like Gay who was the leader of the pack at that time. when have we ever seen a 19 or 20 yo come on the scene and beat all the big guys that has never happened.
I can show you one...How about Allyson Felix. At 18 she was an Olympic Silver Medalist. At 19 she was World Champ. At 21 she was Again World champ. I understand where you coming from but age is but a number when you step to the line. My point is that he has went from "this to that" over night almost. Being great is one thing but being outstandingly awesome is another. He was good, he was great...how he and many others become outstandingly awesome is something different
so basically saying that bolt must be cheating and trying to say it in a on libelous way?
The point I am making is that he made a major jump with no question. I was just pointing gout what you said about age and winning. It has happen before so its possible but with him it just seems strange to go from where he was to where he is now. Don't get me wrong I doubt people in the US too. People think I am trying to bash him or hate and that's not it. I am just pointing out what should be obvious
James you forgot that this Guy ran 19.93 at the age of 17...with poor training and a back problem. Then He met a hard-line coach who does not take shit and now you seen the results. Alison was good but she was no child prodigy. she have no world junior record.
What I think Bolt means is that he could be working a lot harder than he has. He's probably talked his coach down off of some programs that were designed for him and gone out to produce above the workload that he actually fulfilled.
Asafa says the same thing about being lazy.
The hardest working man in sprinting is Tyson Gay. He is not nearly as talented as his Jamaican counterparts but with hard work, he is running with them and splitting the sweep we would naturally have in the 100 with Carter and Blake being the optional tandem for the lower medals.
Lazy means he knows did not fulfill the workload that was expected of him.
When he gets on the track he is literally running for his life as Mills probably told him that because he didn't do all his work, somebody else has and that's the person that's gonna beat him.
hey have you ever ran a PR twice with a groin injury? tyson gay has so why dont u look at the cheaters in your own yard before you go try looking for cheaters down the street 9.71 and 9.69 on 1 leg.. yeh wheres your outrage for that where are your blogs on the people that you claim to know for a fact was cheating? jeter running flo jo times twice and all you have to say is "hey she looks like christie gaines" not that shes 30 and not that she ran from febraury straight to september and ran faster every race..even bolt got slower towards seasons end.. but not tyson or jeter.. stick to what you know Jim because it abviously isnt about usain bolt
15 year old 200m record still stands
16 year old 200m record still stands
17 year old 200m record still stands first teenager sub 20
world junior titles..
and was very injury prone until he switched coaches and fixed up his form and started taking track seriously
..remember 2005 world champs 200m finals when he was in the lead and pulled up injured
u make snide remarks about how he got hurt during freaky sex but u dont mention merritt taking sex drugs and getting banned? stick to what you know JIM
Oh i almost forgot saaaaaaaaay isnt your dead coach a drug cheat athlete i find it hard to believe a drug cheat athlete was a clean coach..or is he off limits now because hes dead? did i go too far Jimmy? i find it funny how you begin to talk about athletes possibly cheating coinsidently after the one person that might have exposed you as a drug cheat dies
and for those who dont know his coach was Antonio Pettigrew
hey james did you know his first 100m race ever was a 10.03 in 2007?
when your first race in a event that your not familiar with a is almost a sub 10 it should have opened up some eyes. who else on earth first 100m race was 10.03?
We not talking bout the girls now, that is a whole other conversation, different physiology, different level of competitiveness. we talking bout the men, when has a 19 or 20 or 21 yo ever dominated the sprints, it is a known fact from 100 years of sprint tradition that the peak of a man's prowess in sprinting is 25-29, so your argument, like a pail with a hole holds little water this time.
Hey DarkSeid that was really cute how you tried to make it like I have something to hide because of who my coach was. Let me make this real clear...You will never hear about me with any PED troubles because I ran clean my entire career. What he did with his life was his decision. I chose to run clean even after numerous defeats by other who were cheating.
I do my homework but maybe you missed the point of what I wrote. I started to write because of what he said, not because of what he has done. When you open your mouth and say dumb stuff then you make people wonder.
Let me also make this clear. I know there are many people in the USA that are dirty. I dont trust nothing that people do anymore because of the things that I know about the sport off the track. Trust and believe that I have been the most out spoken about drug cheats. I never hold my tongue but yet other do.
I have lost many friends because of drugs by the way. Some chose to go that route and hear me speak and then we fall off. I say "oh well" to that one. But I will never stop being me and speaking my mind when it comes to the integrity of the sport.
So you wanted to know about Merritt...I think its unfortunate. Why because he still doesnt know his fate yet Shelly Ann does. They both saying the same thing but getting different treatment. him taking what he was taking...I think that was just stupid, point blank.
What do I think about Tyson...I think he is the best sprinter in the US and the hardest working out there. However he has to compete against 4 other sprinters from 1 country that are running just as fast as him. 4 people sub 9.85 has never has happen in the US before.
So because I said something is strange about it all and that Bolt went from being a good runner to being the best to ever do it in one year there is a problem? Well you and everyone else better get ready cause I will continue doing homework and calling people out and I could care less where they are.
james carter u made some great points but remember this also that at age 18 in 2004 usain bolt ran 19:93 which was and still is the world junior record. 2004 to 2008 is a 4 year difference so its all possible. dont forget that Usain Bolt was playing Robin while tyson gay was baman in 2007.. tyson was n college play robin to wallace spearmon and many other so what make him so different.. people said u was drugs to and had there supicion about you... u always look good in the rounds and you always choke... dont blame PED blame urself
I cannot overly chastise you because you are entitle to you opinion.
you kept supplying reasons based on other athletes and those are the reasons why you think he is not clean. Which is quite unfair to him.
And the other you do not supply facts
like his under 20s 200m in high school and his world youth and junior championship.Albeit it was 200 and not 100, but it has surpassed what any other high school athletes had ever done.
I have to agree with you james. 100%. There have been numerous caribean athletes that have run fast early and fizzled out like a soda. U.S. athletes can't do that because our coaches can't coach us year round plus most high school coaches here are football coaches looking to get the little stipend that goes along with coaching track.
So lets stop saying he ran fast at 16 or 17 because that doesn't gaurantee you will continue to see drops in time. whether he is on drugs or not the times he has run is amazing.
All im saying is everyone needs to stop being naive. if jamaica had been dominating for years like kenya i wouldnt say much. BUT they haven't so you mean to tell me everyone just got fast at the same time in this country? lmao yeah right.
shelly fraser went from 11.3 to 10.7 in one year and she has been training for years. bolt went from 10.0 to 9.6 in one year and he has been training for years.
allyson felix has been running crazy fast times since high schools and her times haven't really dropped drastically. u mean to tell me a clean usain bolt could beat a doping ben johnson, justin gatlin, and tim montgomery lol not only would he beat them he would beat them celebrating crossing the finish line lol. yeah right
I AGREE w/James 100%.
People need to keep it real.
Sprinters running 9.6 tested positive for drugs, but people believe 9.4 is a legit time???! Get the heck outta here! LOL! LOL!
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