Friday, July 31, 2009

Drugs Again...Really? LOL

Since I have stepped down I have seen on television and read in news articles that there have been more names to surface in the MLB and around 5 T&F athletes from Jamaica to come out in track and field with PED's. Is this a surprise to me...of course not! Like I have said in the past I know what I know and even though it might not be able to prove it, I still know. I have also read many message boards where people have things to say about me that make me laugh and I thank you for that. However, I have never been the type of person to say something that is false to make myself feel better about something that I just can not do. If I can not I will simply say, "I can not." If I get beat I will say, "I got beat." A few years ago I stopped shaking hands after races and sometimes even saying anything because it was hard to tell if winners were cheaters. I didn't mean any disrespect but sometimes it is hard to tell.

When someone does something "amazing" it is always exciting to see. I mean who doesn't like an amazing performance? But it is for that reason that PED's exist in not only T&F but in sports as a whole. People pay to see "amazing" People pay to see "wow" People pay to see "Oh my God!" If people went to any type of sporting event and didn't see that they would feel as though it was boring and or even a waste of there money and time. So how do you keep fans coming back? That's have to create amazing, wow and oh my God! It exist everywhere and the natural athlete that has worked hard from the time they started training after they have taken a break from the previous season to the end of the next season will always suffer and miss out on what they could have had because of this.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Decision on Next Move...

In this last week I have got a few phone calls and have been informed that people have interest in me in a number of different areas which is kind of shocking to me. From coaching to manager to just business itself and it makes me feel really good and better about my decision. I didn't have a plan "B" so to speak when I said what I said about being done (which still doesn't contain the word "retire") because I actually took a week to analyze what I said and if it meant what I wanted it to mean. Well of course people are not going to understand your every word. If I doctor starts speaking about surgery he just performed...I may understand some of what he is saying but not everything. That is how I feel about my last interview. If I get in front of another microphone I will try to go into detail and try to make more in depth sense of what I was saying. If not then hey I could care less what people think, what & who I am talking about.

So now I am going to start looking and entertaining some of these opportunites that have been brought to my attention. I think its great that I have been able to do something that I loved doing for the past 10 years and made a decent living out of it. Not many people can say that they have traveled the world and have seen many things that the average person may never get to see. An inner city baltimore born kid grew up to see the world and got paid doing it...LOVELY!!! Well time to make moves and start on this new chapter.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Another Day...More Of The Same

These last few days have been pretty interesting. I have had people I know and people that I dont know criticize me on the decision I have made over and over. Some telling me to keep running and some that understand totally what I mean in what I say and also how I feel. To understand I think you have to first understand the sport of track and field which I don't even consider and sport anymore on the professional level. I think the sport has become more like the WWE. Now dont get me wrong I love the WWE and have been a fan since I was about 6 years old but at least the WWE doesnt front like its "real wrestling" The "E" in WWE is for entertainment. I honestly think that every sport entertains but to a certain degree. T&F like I have stated before always has someone doing something spectacular. I wish I could bet on track like the horse races. You know go to the meet...see what the odds are...see the athletes while they warm up and prepare...and then bet money on who I thought would win based on all those factors and what they have done earlier that year. I would be rich! :) I would be calling shots like an open white man in the NBA...LMAO!

**Side note...As I am writing this I am watching ESPN talk about Ron Artest may be going to the Cavs. The NBA has put so much into making LeBron the best...they are basically trying to give him a team that will be impossible to lose with. I mean can they be anymore blatent? I mean he is a great basketball player but he is no Jordan...No one is! But the NBA wants him to win so bad...cant you tell?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lets End All The Speculation...

On Sunday I did the interview with the people at Flotrack and since then I have got phone calls, emails, messages on facebook, twitter and myspace about what I said and if I was really going to retire. First things first...Who really retires from track and field? Retirement is (and this comes straight from Wikipedia) the point where a person stops employment completely. I am 31 and there is no way that I can just stop being employed completely! Secondly...where did the word retire come from? I never used that word in that interview. I said that was the last time you would see me run the 400H event. I then also said how long I had been running as well as my contract being up at the end of the year with my sponsor. Not to mention I added that I was going to be 32 years old next year and didn't think a sponsor would want to sign me because they may think that I am too old to invest enough money in me that would allow me to live and train the way I need to. I also said if a sponsor believed in me from day 1 then I would continue and or became a multi event athlete.

Look at it this way...If you have a job and your contract with the company you working with ends, would you continue to work the job and not get paid? Of course not! You would go and find something else to do to make ends meet. I don't know how to be more simple and plain about it. I also said that I was tired of competing against drugs. You know what...I think back and I should not have said that and at first I wasn't going to. If I didn't I would not be the person that I am and that is honest about everything that I do and straight to the point. That is how I feel, I know what I know and if anyone reading this thinks that track and field is getting cleaned up more then what it was then you either don't pay enough attention, don't care or just don't know any better.

"The game never changes...only the players" Yes I said that and its a true statement. Look at any other sport. First there was Dr. J...then Magic and Bird...then came Jordan...then came Lebron and Kobe. There is always going to be someone that steps up and becomes the "next hot thing" Now those players don't have anything to do with drugs (as far as I know) but its the same type of cycle in track and field. I am not calling names out but there is always someone that's great in an event for a while and then once that athlete starts to comes a new face almost out of NOWHERE to start kicking every ones ass for the most part. Are these new faces always dirty...of course not but I would bet my career and all my achievements that this sport is just as dirty as it was when Balco was up and running.

There will always be people trying to gain an advantage in sports because you have people out there that are after the big time contracts and as much money and fame as they can get. Is it really all worth it? Lets just see what happens when some of these athletes turn 45-50 years old and they start dropping dead or having a bunch of health problems. Live your life the way you want to live it but working hard everyday, fighting injuries and fatigue all the time, missing out on spending time with your family, traveling, losing out on sponsorship, money and being recognized for all of you hard work because of the dishonesty of others you have to see all the time and compete against...You can miss me with all of that...I have had enough! My life will not be justified by track and field. I am more then that.

By the way...for all the people on the message boards that have an opinion about who I am and what I have done in my life, open your bibles to John 8:1-11 and read that. After you done reading that ask yourself if James Carter really cares what you think of him? I made one mistake in my entire track career and you want to hold that over my head forever. Well I tell you hold on to that and I will keep doing what I am doing and that's being the best me that I can be while waiting for the only judge that matters to judge me and that's God. To all the people that have supported me and wished me well through the ups and downs I really do appreciate it. Thank you much and please continue to support the sport of track and field especially the clean hard working athletes.