This blog is going out to a very select few that do not know what "I'm taking some me time for a few days" means. When post on facebook and twitter that I will be unavailable, it doesnt mean for all kinds of people that I dont talk to on a regular basis to start sending me messages asking me what I am doing, where I am going, who I am with...That aint none of your damn business.
Know your role & position. I take that back, know how important you are to me; which probably aint important at all. Now I dont mind people asking if everything is ok and if something is wrong; that I can deal with. However its the nosey asses that want to be up in your business when they think there is something juicy going on so that they can talk about it and spread the word. Also the people that think they can send a message and I will answer just cause they think they're not.
I talked to my mom once in the last two days and that was for less then 5 mins. She asked how I was doing and was I getting rest. I said yes and that was pretty much the end of the conversation. She knew what the deal was and that is by far the only and I mean "ONLY" person that I even would have thought about answering the phone for if she called. Anyone else that I answered I just felt like talking to you, no problem there. Facebook & Twitter messages...all that slick gossip seeking nonsense trying to act like something is more then what it is, save that.
"Know you role and shut your mouth!" -The Rock
Friday, December 3, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
"So what" ...goes a long way
I sat and had a few thoughts after talking to a friend of mine about similar situations that we had. He told me he was interested in a young lady but she didnt like the fact that he traveled for work so much. She said she needed someone that had more time to spend with her and explore life. His reply was, "Well when I do have free time I can do whatever but at least I am doing something with my life which is more then some people."
I asked if she knew what he did for a living. He told me he lied about his job and all he told her was that he travels for work. He didnt want her to know he was a pro track athlete because he felt she would judge him based on the whole "being an athlete thing." I agreed with him but hell she still judged him anyway when all he wanted from her was to like him for him and not his status or what he did for a living. I mean its a lot of people out here that dont know how to simply say "So what."
I then expressed to him that there was a young lady that I had a crush on for a while but realized early on that it was going no further then us as just friends. There may have been a slim chance if certain things were different but I pretty much knew what the deal was. Now everyone that knows me knows that I flirt from time to is what it is but nothing more. So I told him about a conversation I had with this one young lady and told him that in the mist of me flirting she came out and basically told me I would never get with her like that. I was prepared for that and laughed it off as I always did.
However, I guess on this day she felt like she wanted to tell me how she really felt. Told me that we would never be because of my life prior to meeting mom and kids, why she felt she would never be number one in my life because of that and how I express myself verbally. Now I am one for honesty but I was like, "well damn, say it with your chest why dont you? I then thought, "so because I actually loved someone and wanted to spend my life with an individual, I get that? I have no balance and time management skills." Why dont people just say "So what?"
So we both ask the same question..."So she basically told you how you would treat her huh?" ...and then we laughed a very healthy laugh. I said, if thats her outlook on me then thank you very much, now I know. I didnt even get mad. I was more disappointed that someone that I thought highly about even looked at me in that light. I started to think about what I said "So what" to about with her and all I could do was shake my head. I have seen this too many times. Men do the same thing as well. Dont think this is woman bashing. I know plenty of men that see a woman that has her own and get intimidated thinking they cant keep up when all that woman really wants is for a man to just play his role and treat her right.
Ladies & Gents...No one on Earth is perfect by no means. We all have our faults of course but to judge people before you even give that person a chance to show and prove is quite shallow of any man or woman. Learn to say "So what" sometimes. You never know you may find.
SIDE NOTE: My job had people out for the thanksgiving holiday and I said I would work 12 straight days. People looking at me like "You going to be tired as hell?" I said, "So what?" I did it just cause. Missed going home to see my family and getting some of that good home cooking. I briefly shared that with a young lady at my job and out of nowhere she said she would bring me a plate of food from home when she comes in. How thoughtful she was and how appreciative I am for something so simple. Found out that not only is she smart, a hard worker and attractive...but she's kind, nice and a pretty good cook as well. A good catch for someone indeed but guess what? I found all that out because I said "So what"
I asked if she knew what he did for a living. He told me he lied about his job and all he told her was that he travels for work. He didnt want her to know he was a pro track athlete because he felt she would judge him based on the whole "being an athlete thing." I agreed with him but hell she still judged him anyway when all he wanted from her was to like him for him and not his status or what he did for a living. I mean its a lot of people out here that dont know how to simply say "So what."
I then expressed to him that there was a young lady that I had a crush on for a while but realized early on that it was going no further then us as just friends. There may have been a slim chance if certain things were different but I pretty much knew what the deal was. Now everyone that knows me knows that I flirt from time to is what it is but nothing more. So I told him about a conversation I had with this one young lady and told him that in the mist of me flirting she came out and basically told me I would never get with her like that. I was prepared for that and laughed it off as I always did.
However, I guess on this day she felt like she wanted to tell me how she really felt. Told me that we would never be because of my life prior to meeting mom and kids, why she felt she would never be number one in my life because of that and how I express myself verbally. Now I am one for honesty but I was like, "well damn, say it with your chest why dont you? I then thought, "so because I actually loved someone and wanted to spend my life with an individual, I get that? I have no balance and time management skills." Why dont people just say "So what?"
So we both ask the same question..."So she basically told you how you would treat her huh?" ...and then we laughed a very healthy laugh. I said, if thats her outlook on me then thank you very much, now I know. I didnt even get mad. I was more disappointed that someone that I thought highly about even looked at me in that light. I started to think about what I said "So what" to about with her and all I could do was shake my head. I have seen this too many times. Men do the same thing as well. Dont think this is woman bashing. I know plenty of men that see a woman that has her own and get intimidated thinking they cant keep up when all that woman really wants is for a man to just play his role and treat her right.
Ladies & Gents...No one on Earth is perfect by no means. We all have our faults of course but to judge people before you even give that person a chance to show and prove is quite shallow of any man or woman. Learn to say "So what" sometimes. You never know you may find.
SIDE NOTE: My job had people out for the thanksgiving holiday and I said I would work 12 straight days. People looking at me like "You going to be tired as hell?" I said, "So what?" I did it just cause. Missed going home to see my family and getting some of that good home cooking. I briefly shared that with a young lady at my job and out of nowhere she said she would bring me a plate of food from home when she comes in. How thoughtful she was and how appreciative I am for something so simple. Found out that not only is she smart, a hard worker and attractive...but she's kind, nice and a pretty good cook as well. A good catch for someone indeed but guess what? I found all that out because I said "So what"
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Marion...You are not a victim
SEPT 2000
As I sat on the practice track in Sydney Australia waiting for the women's 4x100 team to finish working on hand offs, I sit and think to myself, "Wow I am amongst a hell of a lot of people that I admire." One of those people was Marion Jones. From my freshman year in college to about 30 minutes after I had this thought I thought she was a Goddess! Attractive in her own right, marketable, talented and without a doubt to me one of the best athletes in any arena all time.
Now I had this thought like I said 30 minutes prior to all that changing or at least coming into question. I saw the relay team finishing up so I began to prepare myself for my workout. I cut off my CD player which had the Eminem - Marshall Mathers LP in it and switched to my special "warm up" CD that had all my favorite songs at the time on it. I get up jog 3 laps on the grass and then back to where my stuff and most of the other athletes stuff was next to the pole vault mats to get a drink of water and start to stretch.
As I am beginning to stretch Marion walks over with her things along with a chaperon from drug testing. I had my head phones on my head but not on my ears so I could hear the music but also my surroundings. As I am stretching I hear the drug tester ask Marion for her information to fill out the forms. Address, phone number, ID the usual things that they ask. What made me do a double take is when she asked Marion "So do you want to declare any supplements, vitamins or medication?" Marion replied, "No...Nothing at all."
Now I was fresh on the scene so I thought you had to tell them everything so I looked up like, "What...did she just say nothing? Not even a multi-vitamin or protein shake?" Pretty immature thoughts at that time because I didnt know that you did not have to tell them everything but at least medication if nothing else.
Fast forward...
NOV 2000
I get home in November and I am talking to a friend of mine that was the head of a college biology dept. and I am talking with him about everything. I just happen to bring up that story. He looked at me and said, "Man Marion Jones on using some next level shit. I can look at her and tell she is on some super shit." I said, "Wait, you can tell that by looking at her?" He replied, "Yeah its easy if you know what to look for." He then told me that he watched the games and then named everyone that he thought was using PED's and guess what...Everyone he named later on got busted for drugs. Imagine that...
Fast forward again...
SEPT 2002
I am sitting in the stands at the grand prix finals and the men's 100m is about to go off. I am sitting next to Michelle Collins and talking about nothing really important. The gun goes off and Tim Montgomery gets a hell of a start and crosses the line in a new WR 9.78. Now I am like "Oh shit, he did it!" I have known Tim for a few years. He ran for Norfolk state and I ran for HU...Not at the same time but thats how I knew him. I however met him through my coach at the time and he was from day one a cool down to earth dude. I had mad respect for him. I was happy for him. In the middle of my excitement and his victory lap Michelle asked me what I though about the race and if I thought it was legit. I replied, "Hell yeah with a damn near perfect start of like .107 and a perfect wind of 2.0. She looked at me with the what I call now the "wow he really believed it" look.
A few minutes later I am walking around the stadium and she mentions a few people names and that she was going to ask them where they get there supplements from. At that time mainly the 400m female from Mexico. Not even 10 minutes later I run into coach George Williams who heard Michelle talking and when I mentioned it he replied, "I already know who the guy is they getting stuff from." (all while laughing, shaking his head and looking disgusted)
All this made sense to me later on but I look back now and just go wow! All this was in my face and I never paid serious attention to it.
Fast Forward once again...
APR 2003
At Penn relays. I am there to run the 4x400 and I put my stuff down in my hotel room and I go back to the lobby to kick it with everyone I hadn't seen in a few months. I roll up on a good friend of mine Kelli White at that and the first thing that I think to myself was, "Damn Kelli done got thick in all the right place my God!" Now I am a little more knowledgeable of what may be going on in the sport now so I pulled her to the side and asked her straight up, "What the hell you been doing?" She looked at me smiling and said, "What are you talking about? I ain't been doing nothing." I knew better cause I always "liked" her but never, well you know...but lets just say knew enough about her body to know that it had changed.
AUG 2003
I am sitting at home nursing a knee injury and watching the world championships I see that Kelli White failed a drug test. I jumped up and went, I fucking knew it!" but not happy that I knew though. So then it hits me..."Its some next level shit going on like my friend told me for real!" In my own arrogance I say to myself, "I'm going to get this knee right and train my ass off cause I dont care who is on what...I'm going to kick they ass."
AUG 2002
I am fresh off a PR in Zurich of 47.57...First time I ever cracked 48 seconds and I am happy as hell. I trained my ass off during the break while the European Championships were going on and it paid off. However I was tired as all to be damned. I leave Zurich and go to Glasgow for a US/GBR type of dual meet and I walk in the hotel and I run into Angelo Taylor who I have been racing since I was 18 years old. He congratulates me on my race and then ask me how the race felt. "I told him it felt no different then any other 48 low race." He then asked me how I felt now? I said, "Like shit!" all while laughing. He then says, "Ok now tell me your boy doing that shit every weekend?" Still dumbfounded I go man I dont know shoulders raised and everything.
5 Days later...
Im in London and after getting massages everyday since, very little practice (if I did it was very easy) and being named athlete of the week by USATF I am starting to feel pretty damn good again. I get that feeling like I am ready to roll out again.
The Next Day...
I am running the 400 hurdles. Me and Felix Sanchez are in the race and we run neck and neck to the finish line. 48.08 & 48.09 Him first & me second. I instantly thought, man someone check the photo on the finish. I wanted that win so bad cause it was 20G's for first place and 12G's for second place. Not to mention I was that close to beating the guy that was the best in the world. After the race I am sitting down and watching the rest of the meet and Felix is about to run the flat 400m. It was about 2 hours of a break so it was enough time to recover at least I thought. He races one of the Harrison twins Michael Blackwood & Leonard Byrd and beats them all with a 45.1 for the win. Now as I am watching this standing next to Chryste Gaines and she looks at me and says, "You better tell your boy to chill out." I said, "Huh, what you mean?" She goes, "Your boy is telling on himself. They going to get him." And then she walks off...
So when Marion Jones name came up with drug allegations I was by no means surprised. I was like well I guess its all coming out now. I cant lie I was on the internet everyday looking to see who was next to this list of drug cheats.
Skipping along...
NOV 2004
I made a move from VA to NC to train with Antonio Pettigrew because I felt my career needed a change. I was just finishing up a workout and me and him were talking as we always did. I later learned that he talked to me through out practice to test my recovery. So on this day we got to talking about Marion because she was in the news again and I asked him if he thought she did it and he replied, "Man hell yeah! Marion knew what she was doing. They all knew." Now this wasn't the first convo of this type that we had because we had quite a few but I thought to myself damn he knows a lot of whats going on...or does he? Well in 2008 I got my answer. Unlike most of these people though when he got caught up he straight up told me..."I did it, I was wrong and I have nothing else to hide now. I'm moving on."
It was at that point that I just knew that everything that he had told me in relation to drugs and the sport were true. I'm talking from NOV 04 - My last race in JUN of 2009 we had a good amount of convos about this stuff.
Now back to Marion...
Why is it so hard for her to just say "I did it and I was wrong?" Mater fact Antonio said he started in 1997 with the PED's. Wasn't that the same year that Marion burst on the scene as the new world champion and worlds fastest woman? Didn't she run her fastest ever time the next year of 10.6 in 98? Yet she says that she was "given" these PED's in 2000 and didn't know what they were...BULLSHIT! Not to mention she came back for a few months in 2006 and ran a few 11 lows looking like the Marion of old with yet another drug allegation. I believe it was Marion that sat down at the dinner table with me in Italy and asked, "Hey James, how is Grew doing?" He knew a hell of a lot about her and when she asked how he was doing it all made sense that what he was saying some how without a doubt all made sense.
I have now seen Marion Jones on TV twice in the past month telling a portion of her life story and making herself look like a victim. What?! Someone key Ed Lover..."C'Mon Son!" I know you have a degree in journalism so you know exactly what to do in the media. You can sell it but I aint buying. And Marion you are not a victim by no stretch of the imagination! Some of the people you raced and beat...those are the victims. The meet promoters who were paying you around 80G's a race...those are the victims. The fans that believed in you like my sister that got your autograph at Penn relays one year because she believed you were just so awesome, yeah those are victims. Me and a bunch of other hard working natural athletes are victims to people like you in the T&F world but you, get the hell out of here!
What you are is a drug cheat that made millions, got caught and now you on the verge of making money again with a book that I am sure is full of more shit then a dirty diaper. What you should be doing is telling the entire truth to everyone you speaking to and writing it in that book. So lets take a look at her story very carefully and ask yourself...Who wouldnt cheat if they had a chance to live the life she living? She cheated through her career, fell from glory and is now getting paid to talk about it but not tell the truth about it? Not to mention she still world famous and loved by many. Is this the message that we want our youth to be taught?
As I sat on the practice track in Sydney Australia waiting for the women's 4x100 team to finish working on hand offs, I sit and think to myself, "Wow I am amongst a hell of a lot of people that I admire." One of those people was Marion Jones. From my freshman year in college to about 30 minutes after I had this thought I thought she was a Goddess! Attractive in her own right, marketable, talented and without a doubt to me one of the best athletes in any arena all time.
Now I had this thought like I said 30 minutes prior to all that changing or at least coming into question. I saw the relay team finishing up so I began to prepare myself for my workout. I cut off my CD player which had the Eminem - Marshall Mathers LP in it and switched to my special "warm up" CD that had all my favorite songs at the time on it. I get up jog 3 laps on the grass and then back to where my stuff and most of the other athletes stuff was next to the pole vault mats to get a drink of water and start to stretch.
As I am beginning to stretch Marion walks over with her things along with a chaperon from drug testing. I had my head phones on my head but not on my ears so I could hear the music but also my surroundings. As I am stretching I hear the drug tester ask Marion for her information to fill out the forms. Address, phone number, ID the usual things that they ask. What made me do a double take is when she asked Marion "So do you want to declare any supplements, vitamins or medication?" Marion replied, "No...Nothing at all."
Now I was fresh on the scene so I thought you had to tell them everything so I looked up like, "What...did she just say nothing? Not even a multi-vitamin or protein shake?" Pretty immature thoughts at that time because I didnt know that you did not have to tell them everything but at least medication if nothing else.
Fast forward...
NOV 2000
I get home in November and I am talking to a friend of mine that was the head of a college biology dept. and I am talking with him about everything. I just happen to bring up that story. He looked at me and said, "Man Marion Jones on using some next level shit. I can look at her and tell she is on some super shit." I said, "Wait, you can tell that by looking at her?" He replied, "Yeah its easy if you know what to look for." He then told me that he watched the games and then named everyone that he thought was using PED's and guess what...Everyone he named later on got busted for drugs. Imagine that...
Fast forward again...
SEPT 2002
I am sitting in the stands at the grand prix finals and the men's 100m is about to go off. I am sitting next to Michelle Collins and talking about nothing really important. The gun goes off and Tim Montgomery gets a hell of a start and crosses the line in a new WR 9.78. Now I am like "Oh shit, he did it!" I have known Tim for a few years. He ran for Norfolk state and I ran for HU...Not at the same time but thats how I knew him. I however met him through my coach at the time and he was from day one a cool down to earth dude. I had mad respect for him. I was happy for him. In the middle of my excitement and his victory lap Michelle asked me what I though about the race and if I thought it was legit. I replied, "Hell yeah with a damn near perfect start of like .107 and a perfect wind of 2.0. She looked at me with the what I call now the "wow he really believed it" look.
A few minutes later I am walking around the stadium and she mentions a few people names and that she was going to ask them where they get there supplements from. At that time mainly the 400m female from Mexico. Not even 10 minutes later I run into coach George Williams who heard Michelle talking and when I mentioned it he replied, "I already know who the guy is they getting stuff from." (all while laughing, shaking his head and looking disgusted)
All this made sense to me later on but I look back now and just go wow! All this was in my face and I never paid serious attention to it.
Fast Forward once again...
APR 2003
At Penn relays. I am there to run the 4x400 and I put my stuff down in my hotel room and I go back to the lobby to kick it with everyone I hadn't seen in a few months. I roll up on a good friend of mine Kelli White at that and the first thing that I think to myself was, "Damn Kelli done got thick in all the right place my God!" Now I am a little more knowledgeable of what may be going on in the sport now so I pulled her to the side and asked her straight up, "What the hell you been doing?" She looked at me smiling and said, "What are you talking about? I ain't been doing nothing." I knew better cause I always "liked" her but never, well you know...but lets just say knew enough about her body to know that it had changed.
AUG 2003
I am sitting at home nursing a knee injury and watching the world championships I see that Kelli White failed a drug test. I jumped up and went, I fucking knew it!" but not happy that I knew though. So then it hits me..."Its some next level shit going on like my friend told me for real!" In my own arrogance I say to myself, "I'm going to get this knee right and train my ass off cause I dont care who is on what...I'm going to kick they ass."
AUG 2002
I am fresh off a PR in Zurich of 47.57...First time I ever cracked 48 seconds and I am happy as hell. I trained my ass off during the break while the European Championships were going on and it paid off. However I was tired as all to be damned. I leave Zurich and go to Glasgow for a US/GBR type of dual meet and I walk in the hotel and I run into Angelo Taylor who I have been racing since I was 18 years old. He congratulates me on my race and then ask me how the race felt. "I told him it felt no different then any other 48 low race." He then asked me how I felt now? I said, "Like shit!" all while laughing. He then says, "Ok now tell me your boy doing that shit every weekend?" Still dumbfounded I go man I dont know shoulders raised and everything.
5 Days later...
Im in London and after getting massages everyday since, very little practice (if I did it was very easy) and being named athlete of the week by USATF I am starting to feel pretty damn good again. I get that feeling like I am ready to roll out again.
The Next Day...
I am running the 400 hurdles. Me and Felix Sanchez are in the race and we run neck and neck to the finish line. 48.08 & 48.09 Him first & me second. I instantly thought, man someone check the photo on the finish. I wanted that win so bad cause it was 20G's for first place and 12G's for second place. Not to mention I was that close to beating the guy that was the best in the world. After the race I am sitting down and watching the rest of the meet and Felix is about to run the flat 400m. It was about 2 hours of a break so it was enough time to recover at least I thought. He races one of the Harrison twins Michael Blackwood & Leonard Byrd and beats them all with a 45.1 for the win. Now as I am watching this standing next to Chryste Gaines and she looks at me and says, "You better tell your boy to chill out." I said, "Huh, what you mean?" She goes, "Your boy is telling on himself. They going to get him." And then she walks off...
So when Marion Jones name came up with drug allegations I was by no means surprised. I was like well I guess its all coming out now. I cant lie I was on the internet everyday looking to see who was next to this list of drug cheats.
Skipping along...
NOV 2004
I made a move from VA to NC to train with Antonio Pettigrew because I felt my career needed a change. I was just finishing up a workout and me and him were talking as we always did. I later learned that he talked to me through out practice to test my recovery. So on this day we got to talking about Marion because she was in the news again and I asked him if he thought she did it and he replied, "Man hell yeah! Marion knew what she was doing. They all knew." Now this wasn't the first convo of this type that we had because we had quite a few but I thought to myself damn he knows a lot of whats going on...or does he? Well in 2008 I got my answer. Unlike most of these people though when he got caught up he straight up told me..."I did it, I was wrong and I have nothing else to hide now. I'm moving on."
It was at that point that I just knew that everything that he had told me in relation to drugs and the sport were true. I'm talking from NOV 04 - My last race in JUN of 2009 we had a good amount of convos about this stuff.
Now back to Marion...
Why is it so hard for her to just say "I did it and I was wrong?" Mater fact Antonio said he started in 1997 with the PED's. Wasn't that the same year that Marion burst on the scene as the new world champion and worlds fastest woman? Didn't she run her fastest ever time the next year of 10.6 in 98? Yet she says that she was "given" these PED's in 2000 and didn't know what they were...BULLSHIT! Not to mention she came back for a few months in 2006 and ran a few 11 lows looking like the Marion of old with yet another drug allegation. I believe it was Marion that sat down at the dinner table with me in Italy and asked, "Hey James, how is Grew doing?" He knew a hell of a lot about her and when she asked how he was doing it all made sense that what he was saying some how without a doubt all made sense.
I have now seen Marion Jones on TV twice in the past month telling a portion of her life story and making herself look like a victim. What?! Someone key Ed Lover..."C'Mon Son!" I know you have a degree in journalism so you know exactly what to do in the media. You can sell it but I aint buying. And Marion you are not a victim by no stretch of the imagination! Some of the people you raced and beat...those are the victims. The meet promoters who were paying you around 80G's a race...those are the victims. The fans that believed in you like my sister that got your autograph at Penn relays one year because she believed you were just so awesome, yeah those are victims. Me and a bunch of other hard working natural athletes are victims to people like you in the T&F world but you, get the hell out of here!
What you are is a drug cheat that made millions, got caught and now you on the verge of making money again with a book that I am sure is full of more shit then a dirty diaper. What you should be doing is telling the entire truth to everyone you speaking to and writing it in that book. So lets take a look at her story very carefully and ask yourself...Who wouldnt cheat if they had a chance to live the life she living? She cheated through her career, fell from glory and is now getting paid to talk about it but not tell the truth about it? Not to mention she still world famous and loved by many. Is this the message that we want our youth to be taught?
Friday, November 5, 2010
What Would You Like To Hear From Me?
I'm going to start and blog about some interesting things. Catch is I want input from everyone but me on what to talk about. Ask me anything from current events, personal (but not too personal) sports, music, politics and whatever else you might think about. In a week or so after I get a decent amount of responses I will start either with a simple blog, podcast and maybe even a video blog. Send me your thoughts.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Just How Much Can You Hate Me?
Seems as though people in certain countries didnt take kindly to my comments about Usain Bolt. Well let me make this clear...I dont really give a rats ass about him or anyone else in the sport and the decisions that they make. I find it hilarious though. Throughout my career, there was only one person that I gave a damn about when it came time to compete and that was me! That is the only person that I knew that I could control 100%. I can wake up and go to bed knowing that I never EVER have to worry about someone coming to me years later and saying I cheated the sport that I gave 10 years as a professional. Love me or hate me I did everything in my career the correct way with integrity and honesty. But here is a question that most people dont realize never gets an answer: Why is PED use looked at now as OK? So when I was speaking on the possibilities of what could be, I never meant to piss off anyone. I was just speaking what I felt and know to be true. The 100m is the only race on the track that everyone wants to see. So when I spoke about PED's, I spoke on the race that is most paid attention to.
However...since people seem to have got a little upset, allow me to give you a reason to really get pissed, OK?
There are plenty of sprinters in my country (USA) that have been dirty or I am sure they were at some point in their career. Two out of the last four people from the USA that have run 9.7 something have been found to be using PED's. Not to mention they were both with the same coach. So it seemed at that point 9.7 was a goal of many people. Breaking the WR was what most people aimed for but seemed to fall short of because of not having the talent to get there or using and hiding PED's to help get you there. Now all of a sudden in less then 5 years since the last person tried and got caught there have been 4 people to run faster then the WR at that time and I am suppose to believe that all of them are legit? (1 person from the USA & 3 people from JAM)
Get the hell out of here!
Is my homework correct so far?
I want people to forget who I am for a second...Act like you dont know anything about me and that I just posted this and you read it with an open mind. There is no way in hell you can read this and go "He is not making any sense at all."
Go ahead and tell me I am just saying all this because I didnt do better with my career. Is that the best you can do? I havent even talked about my event yet. Oh I am just getting started. To be honest, I know for a "FACT" that every time someone beat me at a major championship and I placed 4th, that there was someone in front of me that was using PED's. Yes thats right, I said it. If the shoe fits, wear it! If anyone doesnt like what I say about PED use in T&F, slap me in my mouth when you see me. Stop hiding behind message board with no real proof as to who you are. You are about as tough as the white people that call me a nigger when I play xbox online. My frustration comes from the hate I have from these punk ass athletes and coaches who cheat the talented hard working people out of what they could have had in this sport.
And here is a special shot out to all the people that I have sat and talked with about PED, who is doing what, how much you dont like them and who they suspect but yet they go back shaking hands, taking pictues and kissing ass. Yall just as bad as they are for being fake as hell. The crazy thing is, the sport needs PED's for it to stay alive and keep making money. And the reason is because at some point someone said it was OK to let one person have what is called a "green light" to do what they wanted. After that and seeing the results, now a bunch of people have that light to go ahead and just excite the T&F world. However you better not over do it.
Ever wonder why more and more athletes are starting to look at the clock when they running a race now? Are they just that excited about what they running to look at the clock 20m out from the finish line? Dont know about anyone else but I have seen plenty of people slow down a bit before they get to that line. ASAFA vs. GATLIN @ Prefontaine (anyone remember that) Hmmm what was that about? I actually told a friend of mine to stop doing that because of how it looked. Not that I think that of this person but just saying...
Let me get to my point...
T&F is no longer a sport. It is an entertainment business just like the WWE. Some people are hand picked to be stars. Some coaches are in good with people high up and can do what they want and know what not to do. Some managers/agents know exactly whats going on but all they want is their 15-20% of the earnings. Last but not least...These shoe companies know whats going on too and it is for that reason why someone that is ranked #1 can get $500,000 a year and #2 in the world will get $50,000 a year. Big difference huh?
Think about this too...Michael Jordan said it wasnt the shoes, it was his hard work. Well if that is true, why have most athletes that have been caught on drugs wearing Nike spikes? Why are most coaches that are coaching these dirty athletes getting a Nike pay check as well? I cant really speak on any other company but I am sure its not too much different. Why is there a new doctor coming out that has some type of suspicious acts going on with athletes? I heard about Dr. Galea and what he was doing a month before worlds in 2009. Knew his entire operation and everything.
Also found out who Conte was back in 2003 when Remi ha da talk with my coach at the time and asked me if I wanted to use him as a vitamin source. Claiming that Conte had "more potent" vitamins. I replied with a no thank you I will stick with GNC and Vitamin shop. When I joked about running the 100m a while back I had a coach tell me he was good at turning 400m runners into 100m runners. I turned my head to all these things and found a new coach at a point in my career when I needed a fresh start. So yes Antonio Pettigrew was my coach and if anyone ever says I said anything negative about him you's a damn lie! I have much respect for what he helped me do in reaching an awards stand at a major championship in 2005. He never ever EVER spoke to me about PED use. He knew how I felt from day one about it. To find out later on that he went that route hurt me because I never thought he would have but at the end of the day what did that have to do with me? What he did with his career was just that, his career. I controlled me from the first time you saw me shock the world at the Olympic trials in 2000 until I said "I am tired of racing drugs."
Instead of hating me and claiming I dont know what I am talking about you would be better off paying attention to what I'm saying. I keep saying I need a reality show but my show might be too much of what it should be and that is REAL. Seems as though fake is the new real these days...
However...since people seem to have got a little upset, allow me to give you a reason to really get pissed, OK?
There are plenty of sprinters in my country (USA) that have been dirty or I am sure they were at some point in their career. Two out of the last four people from the USA that have run 9.7 something have been found to be using PED's. Not to mention they were both with the same coach. So it seemed at that point 9.7 was a goal of many people. Breaking the WR was what most people aimed for but seemed to fall short of because of not having the talent to get there or using and hiding PED's to help get you there. Now all of a sudden in less then 5 years since the last person tried and got caught there have been 4 people to run faster then the WR at that time and I am suppose to believe that all of them are legit? (1 person from the USA & 3 people from JAM)
Get the hell out of here!
Is my homework correct so far?
I want people to forget who I am for a second...Act like you dont know anything about me and that I just posted this and you read it with an open mind. There is no way in hell you can read this and go "He is not making any sense at all."
Go ahead and tell me I am just saying all this because I didnt do better with my career. Is that the best you can do? I havent even talked about my event yet. Oh I am just getting started. To be honest, I know for a "FACT" that every time someone beat me at a major championship and I placed 4th, that there was someone in front of me that was using PED's. Yes thats right, I said it. If the shoe fits, wear it! If anyone doesnt like what I say about PED use in T&F, slap me in my mouth when you see me. Stop hiding behind message board with no real proof as to who you are. You are about as tough as the white people that call me a nigger when I play xbox online. My frustration comes from the hate I have from these punk ass athletes and coaches who cheat the talented hard working people out of what they could have had in this sport.
And here is a special shot out to all the people that I have sat and talked with about PED, who is doing what, how much you dont like them and who they suspect but yet they go back shaking hands, taking pictues and kissing ass. Yall just as bad as they are for being fake as hell. The crazy thing is, the sport needs PED's for it to stay alive and keep making money. And the reason is because at some point someone said it was OK to let one person have what is called a "green light" to do what they wanted. After that and seeing the results, now a bunch of people have that light to go ahead and just excite the T&F world. However you better not over do it.
Ever wonder why more and more athletes are starting to look at the clock when they running a race now? Are they just that excited about what they running to look at the clock 20m out from the finish line? Dont know about anyone else but I have seen plenty of people slow down a bit before they get to that line. ASAFA vs. GATLIN @ Prefontaine (anyone remember that) Hmmm what was that about? I actually told a friend of mine to stop doing that because of how it looked. Not that I think that of this person but just saying...
Let me get to my point...
T&F is no longer a sport. It is an entertainment business just like the WWE. Some people are hand picked to be stars. Some coaches are in good with people high up and can do what they want and know what not to do. Some managers/agents know exactly whats going on but all they want is their 15-20% of the earnings. Last but not least...These shoe companies know whats going on too and it is for that reason why someone that is ranked #1 can get $500,000 a year and #2 in the world will get $50,000 a year. Big difference huh?
Think about this too...Michael Jordan said it wasnt the shoes, it was his hard work. Well if that is true, why have most athletes that have been caught on drugs wearing Nike spikes? Why are most coaches that are coaching these dirty athletes getting a Nike pay check as well? I cant really speak on any other company but I am sure its not too much different. Why is there a new doctor coming out that has some type of suspicious acts going on with athletes? I heard about Dr. Galea and what he was doing a month before worlds in 2009. Knew his entire operation and everything.
Also found out who Conte was back in 2003 when Remi ha da talk with my coach at the time and asked me if I wanted to use him as a vitamin source. Claiming that Conte had "more potent" vitamins. I replied with a no thank you I will stick with GNC and Vitamin shop. When I joked about running the 100m a while back I had a coach tell me he was good at turning 400m runners into 100m runners. I turned my head to all these things and found a new coach at a point in my career when I needed a fresh start. So yes Antonio Pettigrew was my coach and if anyone ever says I said anything negative about him you's a damn lie! I have much respect for what he helped me do in reaching an awards stand at a major championship in 2005. He never ever EVER spoke to me about PED use. He knew how I felt from day one about it. To find out later on that he went that route hurt me because I never thought he would have but at the end of the day what did that have to do with me? What he did with his career was just that, his career. I controlled me from the first time you saw me shock the world at the Olympic trials in 2000 until I said "I am tired of racing drugs."
Instead of hating me and claiming I dont know what I am talking about you would be better off paying attention to what I'm saying. I keep saying I need a reality show but my show might be too much of what it should be and that is REAL. Seems as though fake is the new real these days...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
"I'm lazy... but I will run 100m in 9.4seconds"

Come on Usain Bolt. No one on Earth believes that you would ever be lazy. I mean yeah maybe off the track during vacation time but while you are working on being the fastest to ever do it, not possible!
OK let me take that back it is possible with performance enhancing drugs but Bolt is a clean athlete right? I mean its not like he has run fast and been caught doping. He hasnt failed a drug test that I have heard of. Yet then again...most of the people in the Balco scandal never failed a test. Matter fact I know personally that some of the people involved got off and names never came up.
Everyone thats a fan of track and field that I meet loves him. First track and field athlete that I have seen that needs security. I mean I have been around some of the best to ever do it and they never needed body guards yet this guy has that and more. This guy walking around looking like the president damn near. Women are throwing they panties all on the track when he trying to run causing all kinds of false starts.......OK I am joking about that one :) LMAO!
Let me just say that 9.4 seconds in the 100m is just damn crazy. When I saw 9.78 by Tim Montgomery I thought that time was legit because of everything that happen. The weather was great, he had a .10 and some change start and the wind was exactly +2.0 on the wind gauge. I thought it was legit. Found out it was not and what was going on, damn. So now when I watch T&F I watch with a different perspective. I remember history and what I have seen. Then I look at whats going on currently. I have always said that history will tell on you. The track game will never change just the players in it. (Doesnt Carmelita Jeter almost look like Chryste Gaines)
So right now we have Usain Bolt as the worlds fastest man. I just dont see how he can run so fast. I am not accusing him of anything...I just dont see it or believe it. I mean I believe in evolution and that people grow, get faster and all that but when I break it down into a different perspective it just doesnt make sense. Here is why...
He says that he is lazy...
Anyone a comic book fan???
Lets take Batman and Robin???
For years Usain seemed to be in the role of Robin. He was always in the mix but never the stand out super star. Had potential of course but never had what it took to step up in that role of Batman. Every time he tried to challenge the best in the world he more times then none came up short.
In the comics Robin would always try to go out on his own and save the day. What happen? He ended up getting his ass kicked and Batman would have to come and save him and the damn day. Batman would always tell Robin its a team I am me you are you. Robin never wanted to just play his role. He wanted to be the best and every time he tried he ended up being reminded of who and what he was...A sidekick
Now back to Usain...
After the 2007 season and playing this role of sidekick (meaning that he was taking 2nd & 3rd more often) he all of a sudden becomes Superman one year later. How in the hell can you go from being a mere mortal with a utility belt, to surpassing being the skilled and genius super hero Batman which was a goal, to being the freaking man of steel?!
Strange anyone???
In 2008 season he was unbeatable, the new world record holder and a house hold name all over the world. His dad said its the yams and Usain says now that he is lazy. Where is Ed Lover with a "C'Mon Son" when you need him! Not to mention he "allegedly" hurt his back doing some type of freak ass position with a chick that ended his season this year.
I have to shake my head on this one. Truth of the matter is...He could probably do what he wants to do right now. If he goes down the sport dies point blank. If he continues to run well and amaze people the sport excels. You do the math...
Full Article of Story
Friday, September 10, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
(pronounced [,eti'ket]) is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group.
I have been seeing many different people talking about proper "etiquette" when it comes to certain things like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and many other social sites and businesses. Now I have never been one to tell anyone how to live they life. I will most likely always comment on something that may seem strange and might go, "what in the hell..." or I may even laugh at something but never one to just be like, "ok everyone you need to start living your life like this..."
I neven have a problem with people that try to tell you what to believe in as far as religious beliefs, how to pray, who to pray to and all that. I am the first to tell you I am not the most holy person on Earth & I know some people are going to have a problem with what I am about to type but bare with me...I think some religious people need to take a step back on how they praise their beliefs towards other people. Who are you to tell me how I should praise? I honestly think that someones beliefs should not be any of my business unless they share it with me. Now after they share that is something different but I am still not one to judge.
Person 1 - Hey miss how are you doing?
Person 2 - Oh I am just so blessed this morning. Jesus woke me up and he is just so wonderful...(and then follows a 10 minute conversation)
Sometimes people just seem to take it too far to me...I dont know maybe its just me
Now I am straight forward when it comes to most things that go down in life with religious beliefs, how you carry yourself, what you do for a living, sexual preference and things like that. This is what I always say..."Respect me & I will respect you." Its just that simple to me. I have always believed that if you want something you first have to give something. So if I give respect then I expect it back and if you show it to me then you will sure enough get it back.
Back to my original point...Etiquette. If you have a business and you running it the way you want and you are being successful, then that is just great! If you have a business and its going well and you see someone else with a similar business that isnt going as well as yours is...Mind your damn business! (pun is intended) The last thing someone wants to hear is how someone else doing what they doing is doing so much better. However...if they come to you and ask you a question or two about how they could improve then thats different. That is someone in search of improvement. By all means lend a hand. Now that doesnt mean if you see someone doing something that might be harmful to themselves that you shouldnt go to them. All my true friends know and I tell them...If you see me messing up or doing something that might seem a bit off or harmful to me (cause sometimes I do go a little to far) pull me to the side and say something. If we on that level then by all means you have the right to slap me upside the head and say get it together fool!
I just have an issue with people that just voluntarily try to tell random people how they should be doing something. I have had it happen to me on numerous times and I look at people with that "Who in the f--- are you?!" Not to say people arent trying to help because I know sometimes thats most of the time all it is. Some people just have a way of coming off like they so much better then you when they explaining something. If I was approached by Bill Gates & a regular person off the streets who you think I am listening to first?
Quite simple people...have your stuff in order for you first and foremost. Sometimes its not quite proper "etiquette" its just someone trying to act like they no every damn thing.
I have been seeing many different people talking about proper "etiquette" when it comes to certain things like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and many other social sites and businesses. Now I have never been one to tell anyone how to live they life. I will most likely always comment on something that may seem strange and might go, "what in the hell..." or I may even laugh at something but never one to just be like, "ok everyone you need to start living your life like this..."
I neven have a problem with people that try to tell you what to believe in as far as religious beliefs, how to pray, who to pray to and all that. I am the first to tell you I am not the most holy person on Earth & I know some people are going to have a problem with what I am about to type but bare with me...I think some religious people need to take a step back on how they praise their beliefs towards other people. Who are you to tell me how I should praise? I honestly think that someones beliefs should not be any of my business unless they share it with me. Now after they share that is something different but I am still not one to judge.
Person 1 - Hey miss how are you doing?
Person 2 - Oh I am just so blessed this morning. Jesus woke me up and he is just so wonderful...(and then follows a 10 minute conversation)
Sometimes people just seem to take it too far to me...I dont know maybe its just me
Now I am straight forward when it comes to most things that go down in life with religious beliefs, how you carry yourself, what you do for a living, sexual preference and things like that. This is what I always say..."Respect me & I will respect you." Its just that simple to me. I have always believed that if you want something you first have to give something. So if I give respect then I expect it back and if you show it to me then you will sure enough get it back.
Back to my original point...Etiquette. If you have a business and you running it the way you want and you are being successful, then that is just great! If you have a business and its going well and you see someone else with a similar business that isnt going as well as yours is...Mind your damn business! (pun is intended) The last thing someone wants to hear is how someone else doing what they doing is doing so much better. However...if they come to you and ask you a question or two about how they could improve then thats different. That is someone in search of improvement. By all means lend a hand. Now that doesnt mean if you see someone doing something that might be harmful to themselves that you shouldnt go to them. All my true friends know and I tell them...If you see me messing up or doing something that might seem a bit off or harmful to me (cause sometimes I do go a little to far) pull me to the side and say something. If we on that level then by all means you have the right to slap me upside the head and say get it together fool!
I just have an issue with people that just voluntarily try to tell random people how they should be doing something. I have had it happen to me on numerous times and I look at people with that "Who in the f--- are you?!" Not to say people arent trying to help because I know sometimes thats most of the time all it is. Some people just have a way of coming off like they so much better then you when they explaining something. If I was approached by Bill Gates & a regular person off the streets who you think I am listening to first?
Quite simple people...have your stuff in order for you first and foremost. Sometimes its not quite proper "etiquette" its just someone trying to act like they no every damn thing.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
When Keeping It Professional Goes Wrong
I saw an Ex-girlfriend of mine post something on Facebook that made me laugh and shake my head at the same time. However it was interesting at the same time because she always tried to make me out to be such a Facebook heathen. It was in reference to what people have on their Facebook pages and if they cared about what people thought of them based on that.
Well for me its real simple and has always been. It depends on what you using Facebook for. For example:
1) If you use it to chat with friends and to have a good time well then cool. Put up all the silly youtube links, photos, quotes and etc. Say what you want and live it up.
2) If you use it to do networking and business type things then by all means keep it business like. Nothing personal in your life should be used on that page just strictly business.
It is and has always been funny to see someone that always thinks they know more then the next person but yet make no sense at all sometimes. Notice how I said this person is an "Ex-Girlfriend right? She actually dumped me which turned out to be the best thing that she could have done me because it was going to happen anyway just in due time. She saved me time in my life, THANK YOU MUCH!
But I am getting away from my point...
And the point I wanted to touch though was it seems to me there are a lot of people out there that are always quick to judge someone else before looking at themselves. Now I know that there are some people that tell me I always judge people when it comes to performance enhancing drugs. Indeed I do talk all kinds of stuff about people that take drugs to enhance performance illegally and that is because I never went that route. I am not perfect in life but I am perfect on that topic. So on that topic I am without sin & casting stones all over the place! John 8:7
Well for me its real simple and has always been. It depends on what you using Facebook for. For example:
1) If you use it to chat with friends and to have a good time well then cool. Put up all the silly youtube links, photos, quotes and etc. Say what you want and live it up.
2) If you use it to do networking and business type things then by all means keep it business like. Nothing personal in your life should be used on that page just strictly business.
It is and has always been funny to see someone that always thinks they know more then the next person but yet make no sense at all sometimes. Notice how I said this person is an "Ex-Girlfriend right? She actually dumped me which turned out to be the best thing that she could have done me because it was going to happen anyway just in due time. She saved me time in my life, THANK YOU MUCH!
But I am getting away from my point...
And the point I wanted to touch though was it seems to me there are a lot of people out there that are always quick to judge someone else before looking at themselves. Now I know that there are some people that tell me I always judge people when it comes to performance enhancing drugs. Indeed I do talk all kinds of stuff about people that take drugs to enhance performance illegally and that is because I never went that route. I am not perfect in life but I am perfect on that topic. So on that topic I am without sin & casting stones all over the place! John 8:7
Monday, August 9, 2010
My Talent + Haters = Broken Collar Bone

Seems as though you can't be better then regular people anymore and just try to enjoy some recreational activities. I have been playing flag football for years and never have I been hated on more then I was yesterday.
Sports for me now are just a way to get away from the everyday stresses of life and I just like to have fun from time to time. Before when I was getting paid to perform on the track it was about business. Seems as though some people take flag football a little more serious then it should be.
Here is the run down of what happen...
My team was playing a game and we were on offense. I am spread out wide and my route was a "Go Route" straight down the side line. I was being covered by a guy who I knew that I could run by. He was about 7 yards off the line and when the ball was snapped I took off on my route. He started back pedaling and when I got next to him he turned to run with me. My QB knows that if he sees me running at full speed no one should be able to keep up with me so let the ball go! He did just that and when he did the defense yelled "ball" so the defender would know to look for the ball. He obviously knew he was beat so he stepped on my heals not once but "TWICE" to try and keep me from catching the ball. So at about my full speed I hit the grown and tried to turn and land on my back but didnt quite make it. Oh and let me not leave out that I didnt even get the penalty. Referee took out the flag and thought about it for about 5 seconds and then put it back.
Haters are truly everywhere...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
1 Year & Some Change Later
About a little over a year ago I ran in a race that may have looked to be my last race ever. Not the way I wanted to end my career but I said to myself then that I was satisfied because of what I had accomplished pretty quietly as an athlete in an event that I was always a contender in. However, although I accomplished a lot there were things that I just didn't get the chance to do that I wanted to. For sub 46 in the open 400m (which I know is a surprise that I didn't) yet I split 44 high on lead off leg of a few 4x400 relays and show my short sprint speed. I did run 6.7 for 60m with no speed work and oh yeah in 2001 I was part of a 38 second 4x100.
With all the things that I did and didn't do, there are many more things that I feel define me more then anything. I enjoyed many more things in life then track and field even when I was performing on an outstanding level. Things like flag football, basketball, playing video games, spending time with my kids, advising and coaching all seemed to give me a better feeling inside then running track ever did. Is that a bad thing?
I guess I looked at track and field as a job and not something to have fun doing. I took it serious as anyone with a "job" should. I honestly feel like taking a year off from track helped me understand ME quite a bit better. Imagine having to base everything you do around what it is you are doing for a living. There is plenty that you would miss out on. I now have had the chance to see what it feels like to know that I can go to work, make a living and then when I am done...Do whatever the hell I feel like doing and no worry about anything. It's such a lovely feeling!
I will compete in track and field again in the future but to me there is no feeling like feeling free to do whatever you have interest in doing at the time it comes to mind. I have no regrets on anything that I did cause I learn from everything and what I have learned in the past 10 years is this...Live today & worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes.
With all the things that I did and didn't do, there are many more things that I feel define me more then anything. I enjoyed many more things in life then track and field even when I was performing on an outstanding level. Things like flag football, basketball, playing video games, spending time with my kids, advising and coaching all seemed to give me a better feeling inside then running track ever did. Is that a bad thing?
I guess I looked at track and field as a job and not something to have fun doing. I took it serious as anyone with a "job" should. I honestly feel like taking a year off from track helped me understand ME quite a bit better. Imagine having to base everything you do around what it is you are doing for a living. There is plenty that you would miss out on. I now have had the chance to see what it feels like to know that I can go to work, make a living and then when I am done...Do whatever the hell I feel like doing and no worry about anything. It's such a lovely feeling!
I will compete in track and field again in the future but to me there is no feeling like feeling free to do whatever you have interest in doing at the time it comes to mind. I have no regrets on anything that I did cause I learn from everything and what I have learned in the past 10 years is this...Live today & worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Series is 0-0

And I say lets go Celtics. I use to be a go hard Laker fan. Being that I was born and raised in Baltimore, MD and not having a team from my town to cheer for, I started to like the team I saw the most of and that was the Lakers. From the time I little in the single digit ages I like them and everything thing about them. Magic Johnson is still one of my favorite players all time!
The year that the Lakers started having issues and Shaq & Kobe couldn't get along to the point that they traded Shaq...I stopped being a fan. My team was being disassembled because of the greed of one player. Not to mention that this same player got into some off the court troubles and started to "snitch" on other people to try and get out of trouble. That's just a punk move! I can not be a fan of a team with a leader that has power that shouldn't not. It is that simple. So now I cheer for whoever is playing the Lakers. So dont call me a Laker hater, call me a hater of punk leaders.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
J.C. For Dolo
My T&F Version of "Little Brother's - Tigallo For Dolo"
Its J.C., Oh no!
Bringing more drama, set ya blocks, get set
Haul ass when the gun go
Cause losing's a no-no
In shape and you'll see
Unattached in black
F--- you pay me
People be asking why no sponsorship
They saying "Come back Jay we you speaking'
We need J.C. to come and teach the track game
But truthfully...I don't think the sh-t need teaching
I think we got men and women that need preaching
A bunch of drug cheats & them f-ckas need Jesus
At 20 years old I stared running hurdles
But 12 years later I am not the same person
Whole new perspective, outlook done changed
And sometimes I questioned if people get the picture
Pissed off at Nike but it what it is
But not pissed at the rest of yall cause I was never wit'cha
In another universe now that I'm out & working
Laughing at all cheaters that be praising churches
Its a few in my town so clowns don't come around
And ladies with too much make-up, go and join the circus
First I did the knowledge, had the chance to purchase
But God gave me talent, I wouldnt cheat that service
Mr. Carter dirty? ….dumbest sh-t I ever heard since
Track hoes claiming that they born again virgins
Feeling like a born again version of myself
Said that I was done running back in June
Til one day I was watching my old races and thought
Well, damn I think I kinda miss that dude
I’m the same J.C. that said no to the drug movement
And some of yall people just talk but no moving
And honestly I like what some young people are doing
But when I waved my hand people got pissed and wanted me to split
Like I got on the track and chose to do it, f--- it I’m done
The track games No Country For "Clean" Men
I’ll always jog whenever I get bored see
But I’ll be damned if I will do that after 40!
And that’s not disrespect to no one else
I just came, did my job and always went hard
I’m mean…13th in the world all time currently
How about my US championships one, two and three?
Go ahead and do the math, go ahead and add it up
But All of my track sh-t is packed & stored
And I know some people mad at me
But I would rather be a lonely wolf than a sheep that's bored
So F-ck It!
Workout for myself…
Its J.C., Oh no!
Bringing more drama, set ya blocks, get set
Haul ass when the gun go
Cause losing's a no-no
In shape and you'll see
Unattached in black
F--- you pay me
People be asking why no sponsorship
They saying "Come back Jay we you speaking'
We need J.C. to come and teach the track game
But truthfully...I don't think the sh-t need teaching
I think we got men and women that need preaching
A bunch of drug cheats & them f-ckas need Jesus
At 20 years old I stared running hurdles
But 12 years later I am not the same person
Whole new perspective, outlook done changed
And sometimes I questioned if people get the picture
Pissed off at Nike but it what it is
But not pissed at the rest of yall cause I was never wit'cha
In another universe now that I'm out & working
Laughing at all cheaters that be praising churches
Its a few in my town so clowns don't come around
And ladies with too much make-up, go and join the circus
First I did the knowledge, had the chance to purchase
But God gave me talent, I wouldnt cheat that service
Mr. Carter dirty? ….dumbest sh-t I ever heard since
Track hoes claiming that they born again virgins
Feeling like a born again version of myself
Said that I was done running back in June
Til one day I was watching my old races and thought
Well, damn I think I kinda miss that dude
I’m the same J.C. that said no to the drug movement
And some of yall people just talk but no moving
And honestly I like what some young people are doing
But when I waved my hand people got pissed and wanted me to split
Like I got on the track and chose to do it, f--- it I’m done
The track games No Country For "Clean" Men
I’ll always jog whenever I get bored see
But I’ll be damned if I will do that after 40!
And that’s not disrespect to no one else
I just came, did my job and always went hard
I’m mean…13th in the world all time currently
How about my US championships one, two and three?
Go ahead and do the math, go ahead and add it up
But All of my track sh-t is packed & stored
And I know some people mad at me
But I would rather be a lonely wolf than a sheep that's bored
So F-ck It!
Workout for myself…
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